Making an impact...
NATCO educates legislators on donation and transplantation issues through meetings with Representatives and Senators, and submits comments and letters to regulatory agencies and lawmakers in support of efforts that impact the donation and transplantation community. NATCO and its members advocate for changes concerning donation and transplantation for the benefit of patients and healthcare organizations. The NATCO Board of Directors, Committees and Taskforces work with regulatory counsel to provide education and make recommendations.
The White house

Partners in Progress: OPO’s, Hospitals, and Transplant Centers
“…it is absolutely critical to the 109,000 Americans awaiting transplants that lawmakers, the Administration, and the three organ donation and transplant partners continue to work together toward an understanding of the complex challenges facing the community.” Melodie Hengerer, Esq., Baker Donelson, September 14, 2020, Thomson Reuters Westlaw. Can’t stop won’t stop – how organ donation and transplant partners can maintain unprecedented momentum. READ MORE
Join the donation community's campaign to encourage the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to address concerns with proposed metrics governing Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs), which would drastically impact the organ donation process and potentially result in 75% of OPOs closing in one year.
Here is how to TAKE ACTION:
2) Email your Member of Congress to communicate your concerns with the proposed metrics and request they contact HHS to raise these concerns. Click the TAKE ACTION button below to access a website with an interactive form to determine your local representatives and customize the email to share your connection with donation and the importance of this call to action.
The long awaited House of Representatives introduction of the Comprehensive Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage for Kidney Transplant Patients Act of 2019 has finally happened. We are still awaiting the bills introduction in the Senate, but we need your help now to advance this legislation. Please contact your Representative by telephone, email, fax, or mail, asking them to support this legislation.
NATCO, along with many others, has worked diligently to see previous versions of this legislation passed. This time may the best opportunity we have ever had to do so. Below is a template for your communication with your Representative. We will be communicating with you as soon as the Senate introduces their legislation asking you to make the same communications with your two Senators. Thank you in advance for your help. It will make a difference. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Template for Representative Letter
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