Why should you get Certified?
Certification is the formal recognition of practitioners who have met the eligibility requirements, and who have demonstrated knowledge of information for safe and effective practice in the discipline of transplant coordination. The intent of the entry-level certification program is to provide assurance to health care consumers that a certified practitioner has successfully completed an examination assessing knowledge, experience, and skills required for entry level, safe and effective practice in the disciplines of transplant coordination.
Promoting "standards of practice" and certification of coordinators assures the public and health care consumers that practice within the discipline is performed by competent professionals. A certification or credentialing program promotes the establishment of excellence in the discipline of transplant coordination.
The American Board for Transplant Certification (ABTC) was organized in 1987 as the national certification board to promote competency, safeguard high quality performance, and promote adherence to standards of practice for coordinators. The formation, function, and organization of the ABTC was initiated by a task force of NATCO. ABTC is a separate credentialing organization that has no common governance with NATCO. All certifications are obtained through ABTC which is a separate and distinct legal entity from NATCO.
NATCO is an "Approved" provider of continuing education through ABTC. Approved Providers can offer educational opportunities with CEPTCs, in order to maintain your staff's certification.

NATCO is an ABTC Approved Provider of continuing education credits