Exhibitor Prospectus

Exhibitor Applications Now Available!
Click Here for Complimentary Booth Registration
(One Complimentary Registration per 10x10 booth)
You must purchase your space and be the Primary Contact for your company to use the complimentary link.
Additional Booth Representative :
Click Here to Register
Self-registration for anyone who is not complimentary,
*Additional representatives - $945
Why Become a Sponsor/Exhibitor at NATCO?
- Gain exposure for your business by networking with the front-line users of your products, as well as OPO and Transplant Center professionals.
- Front-line users have the most significant impact on what products are best used in their practice. This is the audience that will have the most significant influence on leadership.
- You can use this opportunity to educate donation and transplant professionals about your products or services.
Exhibitor Information
The exhibit hall is a significant component of the meeting, and attendees appreciate the opportunity to connect with leading companies and organizations within the field. The exhibit hall has limited space, so we would like to encourage you to submit your application early.
Essential items to note:
- All breaks and lunches will be served in the exhibit hall each day.
- Welcome Reception will be held on Sunday, February 23rd, in the exhibit hall at 6:00 PM.
- Tear down will occur following the afternoon break on Tuesday, February 25th at 3:30 PM.
Marketing Opportunities:
NATCO offers many opportunities to gain high visibility throughout the event. Please take advantage of our sponsorship opportunities on pages 3-5 of the prospectus. Sponsorships are first come, first served, so please get in touch with Karen Libs at karenl@natco1.org to confirm and hold your sponsorship. Please let us know if you have any questions.